Challenging Industry Norms: How Windwalker is Innovating Security Hiring

Windwalker and its recruiting process have been targeting unique ways to challenge the industry norm and find ways to hire the right candidates who align with our company's message, while providing great on-site fits for our clients.

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Windwalker Security: Protecting What Matters in Challenging Times

Windwalker Security is here to help our clients navigate this evolving landscape, providing professional, impartial, and proactive security solutions that keep people and property safe.

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Soft Skills Should be Considered Mandatory Training at Organizations

Success, Growth, Sustainability, and Longevity. If those are some of the goals for your organization, it’s time to make soft skills training required. Soft Skills will take you places that Hard Skills can’t. Although hard skills will help jumpstart and establish an organization, soft skills will create longevity because they’re centered around people and businesses need people to withstand. Soft skills can be defined as people skills and personal attributes that make someone interact effectively with others. Soft skills are also character traits that support personal and organizational goals. Without soft skills your business will not succeed, grow, sustain, or have longevity.

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Why the Analysis Phase is Often Overlooked, but Necessary

Have you ever heard of the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail?” It sounds cliché, but it’s true. Think about the analysis phase of the ADDIE model as a prelude to a plan that cannot be overlooked. Unfortunately, the analysis phase is being skipped over more and more. This phase is where problems are identified and where the facts are gathered about a project to help you define the approach moving forward. In a “real-world” setting we experience the analysis phase frequently. To help gain a better understanding, here are realistic examples of how gathering the facts correlate with the analysis phase.

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Developing Human Capital to Gain an Edge in Today's Labor Market

American companies spend $160B+ annually on employee training but find that it is often time-consuming, expensive, and typically ineffective (Master, 2015).

Academic research shows that rapid technology advancements, a decrease in attention spans, and low learning retention are significant causes of waste. Training is so ineffective that, “…fewer than 15% of [learners] successfully apply what they learn; 80% of the content is forgotten within 30 days, and the figure jumps to 90% after a year” (Grovo, n.d.).

How do organizations imperatively combat such waste while unlocking their employee’s full potential?

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Levels of Interactivity

Throughout my 20+ years in the eLearning and distance learning industry, the question I seem to hear the most from clients or prospective clients, is: “What do you mean by Level 2 interactivity?” or “What’s a Level 1 course?” Sometimes we training professionals will just toss out a level number without really thinking through what that means to the person not all that familiar with eLearning creation. During my career, I’ve learned that depending on who you talk to, or who you read, or who you work with, there are varying levels of interactivity. Some folks swear by 3 levels of interactive eLearning courseware. Some tell me there are 5 levels. Windwalker over the years has worked with 4 levels of interactivity.

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Looking For Security Technical Assistance for your Cannabis Dispensary in Massachusetts?

With Massachusetts legalizing the recreational use of cannabis for people 21 and older in 2016, the City of Boston established the Boston Cannabis Board in November of 2019 whose goal was to establish Boston as the model for how to create a system that fosters racial equity and inclusion in the new cannabis industry. As a registered Minority Owned Business, we understand the difference between Equality & Equity and are proud to support Boston’s Social Equity Program Initiative.

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Instructional Design Process

Windwalker Group, LLC (Windwalker) is a Small Business Administration 8(a)-Certified Minority/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/DBE), headquartered in Boston, MA. Founded in 1996, Windwalker has 25 years of experience in the private and public sectors, developing and delivering a diverse array of education and training products and services. We specialize in the development of training materials through our PADDIE model of design.

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What Is a Security Assessment?

Over the past few years, Windwalker has been instrumental in providing professional security advisory services to various clients throughout the Greater Boston Area. Most recently, these clients include Keolis Commuter Services, the Boston Cannabis Commission, the Nubian Square Development Association and Boston Global Investors. For these organizations, Windwalker conducted in person physical security assessments, reviewed architectural drafts, building renderings, and held question/answer sessions to develop an understanding of the current security posture and design method. Among the services provided to the above-named clients, the Windwalker team.

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WINDWALKER XP (The Unveiling of a Revolutionary Learning System)

You don’t have to look very hard to find plenty of articles, blogs, or thought pieces on the state of the workforce these days. And having worked in the training field for over two decades now, I know that trying to provide learning and professional development opportunities to your workforce has been a challenge for a long time. It’s a constant that adult learning professionals have long been trying to solve.

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