Efdjqifsjoh Fodszqujpo (Deciphering Encryption)
With the words Apple, FBI, and encryption dominating the news lately, it seems appropriate to first have a basic understanding of encryption.
Encryption actually dates back to 100 BC, as it is said that Julius Caesar created a “Caesar cipher” that allowed him to protect the privacy of his messages using simple encryption, by replacing each letter with another letter, dictated by a specific pattern. For example, A would be replaced with B, B would be replaced with C, and so on, making the message “I came, I saw, I conquered” into “J dbnf, J tbx, J dporvsfe”. Only those who knew the secret pattern would be able to decipher the message.
Fast forward two thousand years, and we have massive amounts of sensitive computerized data that is protected by a much more sophisticated form of Caesar’s encryption. Even at a basic level, today’s encryptions are developed by complex mathematical algorithms, and can only be decoded if the recipient of this information has the secret digital “key.”
Encryption is used to store data “at rest,” meaning the information on your phone cannot be accessed without the phone’s passcode which allows for the decoding of information displayed on your screen. It is also used to protect or disguise data that is travelling from one end user to another end user, also known as “in transit.” For example, if you are ordering a product online and you enter your credit card information, this form gets encrypted before it is submitted. This way, this sensitive information is not comprehensible to the prying eyes of hackers, and can only be understood by the intended recipient.
Encryption is an incredibly important cyber security tool. Without it, hackers and cybercriminals would be able to do quite a bit of damage with ease. To join in our efforts to protect you against the threat of a cyber-attack, get connected with Taino Consulting Group at info@tainocg.com.
Read more at: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33949/htg-explains-what-is-encryption-and-how-does-it-work/