First Name
Last Name
Position & Department
Are you connected to an associate of Windwalker via LinkedIn? If so, please identify your connection.
---------- Click to select ----------
Herby Duverné
Nicholas Macsata
Jim Helein
Rebekah Faria
Jonathan Wren
Jeff Findlay
Stephen Juliano
Richard Shabazz
What is the reason you are taking this training self-assessment? Do you have a performance gap, issues with retention, seeking general information, etc. Please type your response below.
Do you have any employees in your organization who are dedicated solely to internal training and professional development?
If yes, how many employees do you have dedicated to training and professional development? If your answer was "No", skip this question.
Are you looking for soft skills training for your employees, new hire orientation and onboarding, job specific training (fork lift driving, manufacturing process, etc.) or compliance training (OSHA, HIPAA, etc.) Please select all that apply. If you answer is “Other” tell us what sort of training you are looking for.
Soft skills training
New hire orientation and onboarding
Job specific training
Compliance training
Other (response box)
If you selected "Other ", please describe.
When you started working for your current company, how was your onboarding experience?
Fine enough
Extremely helpful
When you first started your current position, how would you describe the materials you were presented to help you learn your new role?
Fine enough
Extremely helpful
In what format does your company provide training for its employees?
On-the-job training
Self-passed eLearning courses
A hybrid of the above formats
Does your company have a learning management system?
I’m not sure
I don’t know what a learning management system is
How much time per week are/would your employees be allowed to spend on training?
Less than 30 minutes
30 – 60 minutes
60 – 90 minutes
90+ minutes
Does your company, or would you company provide the tools for employees to take training? For example, providing devices for eLearning to be completed on or a classroom and tables for face-to-face facilitation.
Please select the statement that most closely matches your company’s cultural standpoint on training.
Training is necessary for employee engagement, retention, success and satisfaction.
Training is necessary to get new employees up and running at work.
Training is necessary because it helps document compliance.
Training is not necessary, but it is an organizational mandate and as such, must be completed.
Training is not necessary and the organization does not see a need for it.
Are training costs factored into your company’s annual budget?
Are your employees offered and encouraged to participate in professional development and continuing education outside of the company? For example, joining a relevant association, attending conferences, taking classes for CEUs, etc.
If you answered "Yes", please tell us below what professional development and continuing education opportunities your employees are encouraged to participate in. If you answered no, please tell us some of the opportunities you would like your employees to have in this regard. If you answered "No", please skip to the next question.
If you had access to a generic database of training would your company use it? Or does your training need to be specific to your company?
My company would use a generic database of training.
My company would not use a generic database of training.
My company requires training specifically designed for it.
Who are you the most interested in training/offering professional development opportunities to at your company? Select all that apply.
Entry level employees
Associate level employees
Senior level employees
Management level employees
Senior leadership or board of directors
What is the average education level of the employees you are interested in training?
Trade school
Some college
Bachelors degree
Masters degree
Is English the primary language of most of your employees?
Are you interested in training that is 508 compliant?
I don't know what 508 compliance is
If there is any additional information you would like us to have regarding your company or what you believe you need, please type it below.