October Is Zombie Preparedness
The Kansas Division of Emergency Management has declared that October is ‘Zombie Preparedness Month.’ While this seems silly at first, it is an intelligent move by the statewide agency. Zombies are popular in pop culture right now. It is easy to get people’s attention by talking about the impending (and everyone should remember-fictional) ‘zombie apocalypse.’ People find it fun to make plans and preparations for such an event. But when they do so, they unknowingly make preparations for…. Everything. While the events surrounding an emergency may differ, the basics are the same. An escape route, safe and secure place to meet, water, food, survival kit and method of communications will benefit you in a hurricane as much as a scene from Michael Jackson’s music video coming to life. It is all in good fun, but KDEM has figured out a good way to bring attention to necessary information. And with Halloween sharing October with zombie prep, you can bet that there will be plenty of flesh hungry 4th graders walking the streets to remind people to be prepared. http://ksn.com/2014/09/22/october-is-zombie-preparedness-month-in-kansas/