Outmanned, Outgunned, Outmatched
The recent “State of Cybercrime Survey” produced some eyebrow-raising results. This 2014 study brings light to a number of specific areas within cybercrime and information security where we as a society are experiencing shortcomings. There are plenty of statistics and specific fields addressed, but one overriding theme can be extrapolated from all of this information: we are outmatched. The fact is that we, as both consumers and as business professionals, all too often are not on par with the level of skill and techniques currently being employed by the ever increasing number of hackers. It is too easy, and far too common, to become another negative statistic in a survey such as this. We need to change the paradigm before it is too late. http://www.pwc.com/en_US/us/increasing-it-effectiveness/publications/assets/2014-us-state-of-cybercrime.pdf