‘Tis the Season

Hurricane season is officially underway. Hurricane Arthur, the first named storm of the season, made a visit to the Northeast over the July 4th holiday. According to experts, Arthur will not be the last storm to make landfall this year. Trends are changing, and these storms seem to be making a bigger impact on coastal communities. Make sure you have a plan in place-for your family and your business-so that everyone knows what to do when the next storm hits. Local Emergency Management resources are available to identify evacuation routes, suggest emergency packing lists, and provide timely warning. Be careful this season, and keep a weathered eye on the horizon. http://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/hurricane-season-is-upon-us-oem/article_0aaddf7b-37f4-5229-9d1f-5933f54934b9.html