Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Shop Online….

EBay is the latest company to add its name to the long list of companies to fall victim to a cyber-security breach. Customer names, passwords, email addresses, date of birth, and even addresses are among the pieces of private information that has been accessed by hackers. This sounds like an unfortunately familiar headline. With the Target security breach and the Heartbleed bug fresh in everyone’s minds, it almost seems like a routine, minor incident. But it is anything but minor for the 145 million EBay users who are now at risk. EBay representative have strongly urged users to change their passwords. This seemingly simple (and sometimes tedious) task really does go a long way to prevent hackers from accessing your private information. Especially if the changes are done intelligently and regularly. EBay has also offered a list of suggestions regarding passwords to help protect their users from this latest attack. It is too early to tell exactly what the impact of this event was. But one thing is for sure-this is not the last time we as consumers in an internet market will have our personal information attacked through cyber channels. It is the age we live in now, and we all need to make sure we are living in that age in the smartest and safest way possible. For more information on cyber security prevention for your firm, please contact us. http://www.kxly.com/news/spokane-news/how-to-protect-yourself-from-the-ebay-data-breach/26107246